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  4. سمینار هراکلیتوس 1967-1966

سمینار هراکلیتوس 1967-1966

عنوان فارسی
سمینار هراکلیتوس 1967-1966
عنوان اصلی

Heraclitus Seminar (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)


    Martin Heidegger

مارتین هایدگر

نوع چاپ
رقعی هاردکاور
تعداد صفحات
ناشر و سال چاپ
Northwestern University Press; Reprint, 1997 Edition (January 21, 1993)


نویسندگان: Martin Heidegger, مارتین هایدگر, هرمنوتیک / پدیدارشناسی

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تضمین کیفیت کالا

محصولات با کیفیت و استاندارد


ارسال رایگان

برای سفارش های بالای 500 هزارتومان


پشتیبانی آنلاین

ارسال پیام از طریق واتس اپ


ضمانت بازگشت وجه

7 روز ضمانت بازگشت وجه

In 1966-67 Martin Heidegger and Eugen Fink conducted an extraordinary seminar on the fragments of Heraclitus. Heraclitus Seminar records those conversations, documenting the imaginative and experimental character of the multiplicity of interpretations offered and providing an invaluable portrait of Heidegger involved in active discussion and explication.

Heidegger’s remarks in this seminar illuminate his interpretations not only of pre-Socratic philosophy, but also of figures such as Hegel and Holderllin. At the same time, Heidegger clarifies many late developments in his own understanding of truth, Being, and understanding. Heidegger and Fink, both deeply rooted in the Freiburg phenomenological tradition, offer two competing approaches to the phenomenological reading of the ancient text-a kind of reading that, as Fink says, is “not so much concerned with the philological problematic … as with advancing into the matter itself, that is, toward the matter that must have stood before Heraclitus’s spiritual view.”

From the Back Cover

In the winter semester of 1966-67 at the University of Freiburg, Martin Heidegger conducted an extraordinary seminar on the fragments of Heraclitus. This book records those conversations, documenting the imaginative and experimental character of the multiplicity of interpretations offered and providing an invaluable portrait of Heidegger involved in active discussion and explication.

About the Author

Martin Heidegger was born in Messkirch, Baden, Germany on September 22, 1889. He studied Roman Catholic theology and philosophy at the University of Frieburg before joining the faculty at Frieburg as a teacher in 1915. Eight years later Heidegger took a teaching position at Marburg. He taught there until 1928 and then went back to Frieburg as a professor of philosophy. As a philosopher, Heidegger developed existential phenomenology. He is still widely regarded as one of the most original philosophers of the 20th century. Influenced by other philosophers of his time, Heidegger wrote the book, Being in Time, in 1927. In this work, which is considered one of the most important philosophical works of our time, Heidegger asks and answers the question “What is it, to be?” Other books written by Heidegger include Basic Writings, a collection of Heidegger’s most popular writings; Nietzsche, an inquiry into the central issues of Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy; On the Way to Language, Heidegger’s central ideas on the origin, nature and significance of language; and What is Called Thinking, a systematic presentation of Heidegger’s later philosophy. Since the 1960s, Heidegger’s influence has spread beyond continental Europe and into a number of English-speaking countries. Heidegger died in Messkirch on May 26, 1976.
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