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مدرنیسم پس از مرگ خدا

عنوان اصلی

Modernism After the Death of God: Christianity, Fragmentation, and Unification

Stephen Kern

استفن کرن

نوع چاپ:
رقعی هاردکاور
تعداد صفحات:
انشتارات و سال چاپ:
·  Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (November 22, 2017)
نویسندگان: استفن کرن

موجود در انبار


تضمین کیفیت کالا

محصولات با کیفیت و استاندارد


ارسال رایگان

برای سفارش های بالای 500 هزارتومان


پشتیبانی آنلاین

ارسال پیام از طریق واتس اپ


ضمانت بازگشت وجه

7 روز ضمانت بازگشت وجه

Modernism After the Death of God explores the work of seven influential modernists. Friedrich Nietzsche, James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence, André Gide, and Martin Heidegger criticized the destructive impact that they believed Christian sexual morality had had or threatened to have on their love life. Although not a Christian, Freud criticized the negative effect that Christian sexual morality had on his clinical subjects and on Western civilization, while Virginia Woolf condemned how her society was sanctioned by a patriarchal Christian authority. All seven worked to replace the loss or absence of Christian unity with non-Christian unifying projects in their respective fields of philosophy, psychiatry, or literature. The basic structure of their main contributions to modernist culture was a dynamic interaction of radical fragmentation necessitating radical unification that was always in process and never complete.

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