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  3. نام مجله : شماره 6 بازخوانی لکانی (پاییز 2018)

نام مجله : شماره 6 بازخوانی لکانی (پاییز 2018)

نام مجله : شماره 6 بازخوانی لکانی (پاییز 2018)

The Lacanian Review Issue 6 (Fall 2018): ¡Urgent!

قطع مجله: وزیری شومیز

تعداد صفحات: 126

نویسندگان: Alicia Arenas, Angelina Harari, Anne Béraud, Bénédicte Jullien, Bernard Seynhaeve, Caroline Doucet, Cyrus Amand Poliakoff, Domenico Cosenza, Dominique Holvoet, Éric Laurent, Florencia Shanahan, Frank Rollier, Jacques Lacan, Jacques-Alain Miller, Jorge Assef, Laura Sokolowsky, Laurent Dupont, Lee Edelman, Luis Erneta, Malka Shein, Maria Josefina Sota Fuentes, Marie-Hélène Brousse, Nancy Gillespie, Pascale Fari, Patricia Tassara Zárate, Ricardo Seldes, Robert Buck, Serge Cottet, Shlomo Lieber, Véronique Voruz

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تضمین کیفیت کالا

محصولات با کیفیت و استاندارد


ارسال رایگان

برای سفارش های بالای 500 هزارتومان


پشتیبانی آنلاین

ارسال پیام از طریق واتس اپ


ضمانت بازگشت وجه

7 روز ضمانت بازگشت وجه

درباره مجله و فهرست مطالب:

The Lacanian Review Hurly-Burly: Journal of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and New Lacanian School, Issue 6, Fall 2018. As Title reads. Contains important texts by Lacan in English translation and writings by Miller on the Real unconscious, among other things.


Now Wake Up by Marie-Hélène Brousse and Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff
1. ¡URGENCE! by Bernard Seynhaeve
2. ¡URGENT! by Bernard Seynhaeve
3. Préface à l’édition anglaise du Séminaire XI by Jacques Lacan
4. Preface to the English Edition of Seminar XI by Jacques Lacan
5. L’inconscient réel by Jacques-Alain Miller
6. The Real Unconscious by Jacques-Alain Miller
7. Psychoanalysis and Urgency: A Dialogue by Lee Edelman and Alicia Arenas
8. L’esp d’un lapsus by Jacques-Alain Miller
9. The Space of a Lapsus by Jacques-Alain Miller
10. L’esp d’une hallucination by Jacques-Alain Miller
11. The Space of a Hallucination by Jacques-Alain Miller
12. La passe du parlêtre by Jacques-Alain Miller
13. The Speaking Being and the Pass by Jacques-Alain Miller
14. Satisfaction in the “Preface” by Luis Erneta
15. Reduction by Florencia Shanahan
16. Urgency and the Fall During Analysis by Domenico Cosenza
17. From the Urgency of an Anxiety to the Urgency of a Satisfaction’s Bien-Dire by Patricia Tassara Zárate
18. The Urgency of the Analyst/Analysand by Laurent Dupont
19. In Time by Maria Josefina Sota Fuentes
20. Different Urgencies by Anne Béraud
21. Disruption of Jouissance in the Madnesses Under Transference by Éric Laurent
22. Psychoanalysis: A Delusion Not Like the Others? by Véronique Voruz
23. Suggestion, Awakening, Dupery by Véronique Voruz
24. Another Relation to the Real by Dominique Holvoet
25. Fate of the Too-much in the Outrepass by Caroline Doucet
26. An Intermittent Solitude by Bénédicte Jullien
27. The Times of Analysis and its Real by Laura Sokolowsky
28. The Cut and the Real of Time by Pascale Fari
29. The Cartel’s Urgency by Frank Rollier
30. Two Comments on a Cartel by Malka Shein
31. One (Un) Case by Shlomo Lieber
32. Resonance and the Difference Between Polysemy and the Equivoque by Nancy Gillespie
33. Side-track: Back to School by Serge Cottet
34. The Not-All Interview by Angelina Harari
35. The Push to Hypervelocity by Jorge Assef
36. PAUSA by Ricardo Seldes
37. Pay Attention Mother Fuckers by Robert Buck



Marie-Hélène Brousse , Marie-Helene Brousse , Cyrus Amand Poliakoff , Bernard Seynhaeve , Jacques Lacan , Jacques-Alain Miller , Lee Edelman , Alicia Arenas , Luis Erneta , Florencia Shanahan , Domenico Cosenza , Patricia Tassara Zárate , Laurent Dupont , Maria Josefina Sota Fuentes , Anne Béraud , Éric Laurent , Véronique Voruz , Dominique Holvoet , Caroline Doucet , Bénédicte Jullien , Laura Sokolowsky , Pascale Fari , Frank Rollier , Malka Shein , Shlomo Lieber , Nancy Gillespie , Serge Cottet , Angelina Harari , Jorge Assef , Ricardo Seldes , Robert Buck

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